Boosting Productivity With Breathwork

Boosting Productivity With Breathwork

Being productive is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced world. From helping achieve your goals, increasing time management, and bettering your work-life balance, learning how to be productive is key to living a more fulfilling life.

While there are many different ways to remain productive, one powerful but overlooked productivity hack is breathwork. Utilizing breathwork techniques can help you stay focused and significantly enhance productivity levels. 

Breath-Productivity Connection

Understanding the relationship between breath and your productivity is key to boosting your own ability to be productive. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing can optimize your brain function by increasing the oxygen flow to your brain. This, in turn, enhances your various cognitive abilities from your concentration ability to problem solving skills.

Additionally, practicing proper breathwork form helps you remain mindful. Mindfulness is key to productivity as the more you are in the present, the more focused you are going to be. There are various breathwork exercises that can increase energy levels and invigorate the nervous system to be able to remain focused in deep-work sessions.

Breathwork For Beginners

Now that you know a bit more about how breathwork is linked to enhanced productivity, the first step is to learn how to breathe correctly. If you’re a beginner, there are some basic steps you can start to get accustomed to the proper technique. 

Start with finding quiet and comfortable surroundings coupled with getting yourself into a comfortable position. The exact position doesn’t matter as much as the point of being comfortable, whether you feel better lying down or sitting upright.

Relax your entire body, and focus simply on your breathing. By placing one hand on your belly, you will be able to control if you are properly deep belly breathing rather than shallow breathing. Once you’ve gained control of relaxing yourself via just focusing on your breath and deep breathing, you can start incorporating different breathwork exercises such as box breathing or nostril breathing. The most important aspect of breathwork no matter which exercise you practice is breathing slowly and controlling your inhalation and exhalation.

Incorporating Breathwork Daily

Building any proper habits requires time and consistency, but breathwork can be thrown into your daily life seamlessly with the help of the proper tools. Having a physical tool to help remind you to practice deep breathing throughout your day, such as Moksha, can be key to building good breathing habits. Alongside the tool, the mobile app assists you in learning and practice the various breathwork exercises and keeps you accountable instead of trying to practice breathwork techniques without any apps or resources.

Alongside these breathwork aids, rather than setting aside long amounts of time to meditate, combine breathwork into your daily routine in short sessions. Starting smaller helps you build consistency without becoming overwhelmed of trying to build a new habit.

Another tip is to make breathwork a transitionary tool. As you transition between tasks during work or in your daily routine, use that time to remind yourself to practice breathwork. This can be on your drive home, between mundane tasks, and before heightened moments of stress. When used correctly to calm you down, you’ll start to associate breathwork with remaining calm and actively want to practice it constantly.

As life continues to get more stressful and we get bogged down by work and other stressors, it’s crucial to find effective strategies to improve productivity. Breathwork is one of the most effective and seamless tools you can start using today to optimize your brain function and improve focus, so start practicing it today.

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